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Fully Digitized 3-D Implant Planning
Using Completely Virtual Treatment Planning and Rapid 3-D Printing to Maximize Implant Esthetics and Predictability

Kenneth Abe, D.D.S. 

January 30, 2020
A meal will be served

5:30 - 7:30 2 Units
Mt View Comm Cntr
201 S. Rengstorff Ave
Mt View, CA 94043
Maple Room
(650) 941-2168 by 01/26/2020

Do your implants have deep pockets with chronic bleeding which predispose to peri-implantitis? Are your implants not centered, angled incorrectly or lingually placed resulting in your crowns having overhangs which make it difficult to maintain or even probe? Have you noticed your implant crowns are too long or the margins become exposed after several years? Would you prefer screw retention?.  Would you prefer a “Top Down Approach” to implant placement where the anticipated restoration dictates implant placement rather than you having to adapt your restoration to the implant? These are common implant compromises that force restorative compromises. Dr. Abe now uses a completely digital workflow in placing implants. Digitizing the hard and soft tissues and merging them together creates a “Digital Canvas” which permits “Virtual 3-D Treatment Planning.” It allows the use of  “virtual” wax-ups, “virtual extractions” and “virtual ridge augmentations.” They allow “virtual modeling” of the interplay between implant position and the surrounding teeth, occlusion, roots as well as other anatomic limitations of both the hard and soft tissues. Virtual 3-D treatment planning can help predict expected pocket depth, alveolar resorption, recession and margin exposure over time. We can now create custom tailored ridge augmentations to support restoration guided implant placement. “Rapid 3-D Printing” is then used to accurately transfer the virtual plan to your clinical patients. Digitized 3-D Treatment Planning represents a significant improvement in surgical treatment planning. It helps anticipate problems and minimizes treatment compromises which results in superior esthetic restorations while maximizing predictability over time. Dr. Abe will show how he uses “Digitized 3-D Treatment Planning” and “Rapid 3-D Printing” to help you create superior restorations.

3-D Prototyping and Restoratively Guided Ridge Augmentation
Fully Digitized 3-D Implant Planning
Using Completely Virtual Treatment Planning and Rapid 3-D Printing to Maximize Implant Esthetics and Predictability
Kenneth Abe, D.D.S. 

I. Intro
A. Guided Surgery
B. Implant Complications
II. Implant Placement Parameters
A. Buccal bone
B. Interproximal bone
C. Ginigval height
D. Restorative spacing
III. Digitization
B. Models
C. Merging
IV. Digital Planning
A. Implants
B. Augmentations
V. Interactive Planning


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Kenneth A. Abe, D.D.S.
Specialist in Periodontics
Microsurgery, Digital Dental Implantology

Los Altos Periodontist, Dr Kenneth Abe DDS is a professional dedicated to excellence in Periodontics such as Periodontal Disease Diagnosis & Treatment, Scaling & Root Planing (Deep Cleanings), Periodontal Maintenance Cleanings, Pocket Reduction Surgery, Periodontal Antibiotic Treatments, Gingival & Osseous Grafts, Crown Lengthening, Dental Implants & more. Dr. Kenneth Abe in Los Altos, CA looks forward to helping you with your individual Periodontal needs.

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